Monday, March 2, 2009

CAPT Testing/AP Prep

Due to the completely unexpected snow day today, I was unable to let you know that our class has been given AP prep time tomorrow during the CAPT exam and one other day (I'll let you know that date tomorrow) towards the end of the month. This is completely voluntary, but I encourage you to come to learn more about the AP Language exam and to run through some practice multiple-choice examples. Due to the limited time we have in the school year working on the curriculum, we have little time to take practice tests or work on test-prep skills.

I apologize for the last notice, but if you would like to work on this tomorrow I will be available. Please come, however, at the regular start to the school day in room 310 (my regular room). You will have to remain in the room with me until CAPT testing is over. If you have any questions, post them here or e-mail me.